I'm not sure if this counts, but the movie Strange Days starring Ralph Fiennes and Angela Basset. All through the movie we know she is in love with him, while he has her in the friend zone, but at the end... yo! He reaches into the back of the car and pulls her out and the kiss! Oh my! I LIVE for that moment! I will watch the whole movie just for the buildup to that kiss! Sigh... She earned that damned kiss!
I'm not sure if this counts, but the movie Strange Days starring Ralph Fiennes and Angela Basset. All through the movie we know she is in love with him, while he has her in the friend zone, but at the end... yo! He reaches into the back of the car and pulls her out and the kiss! Oh my! I LIVE for that moment! I will watch the whole movie just for the buildup to that kiss! Sigh... She earned that damned kiss!
What's funny is that KISS is the only thing I remember from that film--and how cool Juliette Lewis looked as a rock star.
She did make a cool rock star. I love the soundtrack!
For me, Star Wars - the medal ceremony. So simple. No dialogue. But I loved it.
Perfect, and exactly what I needed.